Nollywood stars, Zack Orji, Alex Ekobo, IK Ogbonna & Ebube Nwagbo rock Yomi Casual’s Renaissance designs

Nollywood veteran actor, Zack Orji, including Ik Ogbonna, Ebube Nwagbo and Alex Ekubo look classy and confident in this new Yomi Casual collection, Renaissance.

Ahead of his 10 years anniversary in the fashion business, Nigerian design label Yomi Casual has released his first collection for 2017 titled Renaissance.
Originality is evident in the timeless pieces which reflect elaborate magical details and, also meet the consistent expectation of high-quality clothing and total comfort.
The line includes casual looks as well as more enchanting attires that could be the highlight of your day or night out.
Renaissance collection unconventional designs are inspired primarily by impeccable art that blends well with nature, marking the rebirth of trend to the modern world.
Photo Credits:
Creative Designer: @yomicasual
Models: @zackorji, @poshesteb, @alexxekubo, @ikogbonna
Photography: @ayoalasi for alasistudios
Makeup: @debbysez
Publicist: @moafricapr


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