Jim Iyke tackles married follower who told him to go and marry!

Actor Jim Iyke is one actress you don’t want to troll for any reason on his page or any other page for that matter.
Jim Iyke, popular for his ‘hard boy’ roles in movies tackled a follower who told him on his page to go and marry.
In a very funny move, Jim took time to peruse the page of the follower and digest a few information about him plus the fact that he recently got married.

His response: “My brother since you married you’ve been sleeping on the couch. You were a two minutes man now you are 45secs. Your wife has decided the kids won’t have your ugly face and attitude. Ugly in and outbegets ugly. You look like a bloated reptile with erectile dysfunction… Don’t take your frustration with me... ” he wrote making people feel he really knows the man in question.
You all will agree that this particular fan will never troll Jim again!

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