Obama praises 43 Nigerian graduates, others who broke records at Howard University

Howard graduates had a lot to be proud of at their graduation ceremony. However, the emphasis was not on the 96 graduating medical students, all focus was on an exemplary list of 46 Nigerian graduates.
Out of the 96 candidates, 46 were Nigerian and out of the 27 awards given, 16 awards were given to Nigerian graduates. This is such a proud and empowering moment for these students. Never before at Howard University or any University in the United States has this happened.
These Nigerian students completely dominated the ceremony and made history.
President Obama, the commencement speaker, talked about race and encouraged all the graduates to proud of their blackness and to always love and embrace who they are. It is important for us as people of colour to continue to break through the glass ceiling. President Obama’s experience in office showed that racism is real and prevalent but we can still achieve greatness as long we believe in ourselves and never give up.
Obama said when he received a bachelor’s degree in 1983, there were no Black CEOs of Fortune 500 companies and few Black judges. He said it was important to note the progress America has made in race relations since then.
“To deny how far we have come would be a disservice to those who went before. There’s still so much work to do, so many miles to travel,” he advised.
Speaking from his own experience, Obama encouraged African Americans to continue to embrace their heritage and to “be confident in your Blackness.” Even so, he noted that there was no one way to be Black and no litmus test for authenticity.
“Look at Howard,” Obama said. “One thing most people don’t realise about Howard is how diverse it is. You shatter stereotypes.”
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